In a statement following publication of the Inquiry report, the Focolare Movement has said:
“The main concern of the Movement is to contribute as much as possible to the process of reconstruction of the victims, including financial compensation, if necessary and requested.
Therefore, following the recommendation of the Church in France, the Focolare Movement has asked the 'Independent Commission for Recognition and Reparation' (CRR) - a multidisciplinary body composed of experts from civil society and established by CORREF (Conference of Religious of France) - to accompany victims who wish to do so in their reparation process. Victims can now contact this organisation.
Tel: 09 73 88 25 71
In order to respect its commitment to JMM victims, the Movement had previously set up a psychological support procedure coordinated by Dr Alexis Vancappel. This procedure will continue for those victims who have already used this service.”

TThe independent Inquiry into the activities of JMM within the Focolare movement has been running since the start of the year.
Much activity has been undertaken since January 2021 when the focus was on establishing the Inquiry to ensure a smooth and effective process.
Early work concentrated on initial review of documentation as well as putting in place the process and administration necessary for the Inquiry.
In the early part of the year, the Inquiry made contact with a number of victims in order to consult on the process to ensure it would meet their needs, and in February and March also began communication to raise awareness of Inquiry and to reach out to possible victims of JMM.
The Inquiry subsequently identified and made contact with victims, witnesses and others that were in a position to provide relevant information to the Inquiry.
This process of information gathering still continues, well beyond the expected timeframe - the Inquiry is planning interviews with key people within Focolare in November and December, including as part of a review of safeguarding arrangements.
On a positive note, this demonstrates the process is a thorough and comprehensive one, but unfortunately it also means the publication of the report will not take place until the new year. We aim to publish as soon as possible in the first quarter of 2022.
The Inquiry Team regrets this delay but hopes all interested parties will understand the scope of the work has expanded and the aim is to fully reflect the voices of everyone that has provided testimony and other information for consideration by the Inquiry.